Media Agencies Caught in the Purpose Trap
If you ‘re looking for business performance, you better start looking for a deeper meaning, too. This, in a nutshell, is what it boils down to when referring to purpose in the corporate world. CROSSMEDIA Managing Director Georg Tiemann has been thinking about the extent to which media agencies actually pursue a real purpose. The…

Georg Tiemann
Georg can confidently be described as a wanderer between the worlds. He was already passionate about media and creation working hand in hand when both were still trying to avoid each other as much as possible. Georg is blessed with the typical “Rhineland happy soul” and attaches a great deal of importance to interdisciplinary cooperation. His courage to find new solutions has in recent years particularly benefited our Hamburg office which he set up in 2006.
Georg joined CROSSMEDIA as early as 2000. You will find him wherever new horizons need to be explored. At the moment, he is passionately building CROSSMEDIA’s B2B offering.
For Georg, #XMVoice means ”personal initiative and self-motivation. Only when you truly apply yourself to a topic can you properly understand, change and shape it.”